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Muzza01's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Muzza01's rumours posts


26 May 2024 17:33:49

WPG would be smart to buyout Schmidt's contract.

Newhook gives Jets second line Center
Barron replaces Schmidt or Pionk. Cheaper.
Perfetti is a really good player. But with Lambert possibly making the jump to the NHL next year. With Jets not knowing where to slot Perfetti last year. They will really not know this coming season. Use him to get what's needed.
Jets don't have First round pick to use.
Barron for what I've seen can be a top 4 RD.
Morrissey Demelo
Dillon Barron
Samberg Pionk
JETS buyout Schmidt to resign Demelo and Dillon.
Perfetti would definitely get top 6 minutes in MTL.




15 Jul 2022 14:55:19
Justin Barron
1 RD pick (Panthers).
3 RD pick

If the Jets are trading Dubois. Which I hope they will. Cause he is leaving in 2 years anyway.
Would've been nice to trade him earlier.
Could've signed Dylan Strome, I know he is not as good as Dubois. But it would be a pretty good Center group.
1C Scheifele
2C Strome
3C Dvorak
4C Lowry
Missed out on some decent free agents.


1.) 17 Jul 2022 23:30:24
Why give up anything. He will cost nothing in 2 yrs and Habs are not looking to win in that time frame. Gives Habs 2yrs to learn about what Dubois is all about. He seems to be a bit of a complainer.

2.) 22 Jul 2022 02:30:09
I do agree with waiting for two years, but at the same time I disagree. If you wait two years he will not have had those two year to develop with the Montreal Canadiens rebuild. If he’s in the plains they need him now. He may seem that he is a complainer but he wants to play for the Montreal Canadiens, he doesn’t want to play for a small market team. Every Montreal fan should give him support for wanting to play for his home town team. St. Louis is the coach and Vinny is helping with the young players development. He would fit in on the team for years to come.
He wants to be a superstar. Who knows maybe he will be like Jean beliveau. Montreal isn’t very far from being a contender. Defense is alittle weak. The offence is startingto shape up nicely.



12 Jul 2022 20:45:06


1.) 22 Jul 2022 02:45:57
Dvorak, Gallagher, Byron, amd Allen need to go if price is healthy to play. I would think price should go too but if he gets hurt then he’s useful for the ltir. If price bounces back this season I’d try and trade him at the deadline. 10.5 million is to much cap space for a goalie. It probably would have been ok if c.v. hadn’t slowed down the salary cap. Drouin may need to go too. But who knows if he comes back around and signs a small salary like say 4 yearat like 2.5 million a season he could be a fine player to keep for the rebuild. Or better yet trade him and sign him back next off season. Put in some performance bonuses. I believe Montreal should have a lot more French players playing on there roster. Montreal use to have first dibs to all French Canadian hockey players. The Montreal canadiens put a lot of money out in developing kids in Quebec when the league took that away from them the delevopment in French Canadian kids is not the same.



28 Jun 2022 00:05:59
2022-1RD (14th)
2022-1RD ( 1st)


1.) 30 Jun 2022 21:32:26
I think the Jets would like this trade but it won't happen unless the Habs really want Quebec savior PLD.

2.) 01 Jul 2022 11:48:09
Way way way too much for a 2nd line center who wants to test free agency in a year and has proven nothing.

3.) 02 Jul 2022 04:25:53
Rumour is Montreal wants two picks in the top ten. They are rebuilding. So only sense is is they trade for for 2 pick New Jersey, or 5th pick philidelphia. Now if those don’t happen then, there is islanders 13th pick. Say Montreal took slafovsky first overall, and made a trade with New Jersey and took wright second overall. I’ll make two trade proposals in the above.

4.) 04 Jul 2022 00:53:01
Don’t want PLD, period.



09 Aug 2021 01:32:42
Maybe additional mid draft pick.


Habs are weak in the middle. Strong on the wings.


1.) 09 Aug 2021 15:37:31
3 Things:

- no one trades a free agent they just signed before they've player their first game. a team that did that would NEVER be trusted again.

- the Habs center ice position was a strength last year.

- Monahan is a career minus -31 who is on decline, so MTL says "no thanks, we're not taking that cap dump. try Phoenix. They'll accept the cap dump for some draft picks.




Muzza01's banter posts with other poster's replies to Muzza01's banter posts


14 Feb 2022 18:57:23
Habs traded Toffoli for Pitlick, Heineman, a 1st and a 2024 5th rd.
Wow. That is extremely disappointing. I think they could have done a lot better.
Dube, Pelletier, and possibly a 1st or 2nd.
Maybe I'm wishful thinking. But totally disappointed in this trade. Only good thing here is the 1st rd pick.


1.) 18 Feb 2022 04:55:51
Montreal had to take pitlick for salary reasons to make the cap work for Calgary.
Should have been pretty much the same other than the fifth round pick should have been a second or third. Pelletier Is to small they got Caufield and Gallagher at the moment. Dube still has term. Heineman Isn’t signed yet. So it’s a prospect they don’t have to add to there 50 contracts list yet.
Gorton and Hughes are trying to clean up the mess of salaries Bergeron signed. Gorton and Hughes have a list of players they want. And looking at the upcoming free agents I’m sure they want to sign afew. And I’m sure Hughes and gorton, are not going to do the rebuild everyone is talking about. They are just getting rid of bad contracts that Bergeron signed. And already are two steps ahead.



28 Nov 2021 21:09:26
Looks like Habs are cleaning house.
Bergervin & Timmons & Wilson all got fired today.
Hiring Jeff Gorton.
Huge shake up. But happy to see Timmons finally go. Bergervin did some good things but also did some head scratching things.
Lot of questions and concerns in Habs nation.





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